Shielding is a thought form with energetic properties that can be easily learned and calibrated.
It has bells and whistles but it’s essentially expanding a spatial feeling-sense in a sphere around the body at about arm’s length or further. This sphere contains one’s energy within defined perimeters while simultaneously deflecting other, undesirable energies, from without.
It is especially valuable for natural empaths and those dealing with the public on a daily basis. But it assists in other contexts as well.
This post is about an off-label use: containing our own stuff. At an energetic level this helps keep our attention from being snagged and pulled into external considerations. I sometimes catch myself, in subtle and not so subtle ways, looking for various types of validation from others. Be that approval, attraction or just positive reaction. This reeling of energy out is reaching for something, outsourcing, what I already have within. Shielding takes back this agency, calling back what was unmindfully given away, squandered.
And not just interpersonal exchanges; consciously containing energy assists in another type of pushy derailment. One where things skid into working memory, displacing that last cool and interesting thing with the next cool thing that surfaces in the feed. Memory never gets a chance to consolidate and deepen. It feels like covering ground, accumulating information, gaining insight —but it is not. At the end of the day, most of what is unskillfully attended has frittered away, and the constant swapping slots has left us drained.
Shielding is an energetic construct, an intention and a thought-form which resonates with our deeper mind. It is a pattern that activates skillful attention and influences reality on several levels, including the physical. Shields tend to fade like any thought-form, and their effectiveness diminish, if not maintained consciously —at least daily when first establishing a practice.
Next post on the on-label uses :) Or not.