Got notified 6th season of SHIELD is out. I parked it somewhere around the 3rd. Long time ago. So started back at the beginning of season 1. Remembered it was enjoyable, and while not quite remembering stuff, I’m oddly psychic about what might be going to happen. Maybe that’s what happens to people that take the same ride again and again. What a trip reincarnation would turn out to be. Like, here’s my ticket, I’m going to take the ride again and try someth’in different this time
Alright, keep your hands and feet inside the vehicle at all times and here comes the memory reset…
I’ve also pondered, that if my conscious was swapped with another’s, and I had all their memories and experiences but none of my own (abandoned with the vehicle, or traded) then I wouldn’t know I had been anyone else. There would be a continuity of being
And if consciousness shared a multi-tasking pool of hosts that we each spent a few seconds, hours, days, weeks, years inhabiting, before swapping out for the next one. Perhaps taking some virtual guided tour of the human experience. Then, like, that would be weird